April 18, 2016
Crypto Classics: Wiener's RSA Attack
While reading on RSA I stumbled upon Dan Boneh’s Twenty Years of Attacks on the RSA Cryptosystem 1999 paper. In there, I found a trove of applied attacks against RSA; one of which, Wiener’s, employs continued fractions approximation to break RSA efficiently (under certain conditions).
The attack was interesting enough to make me want to learn about it and spread the word.
So, today we’re going to use simple math and Python to distill Wiener’s Attack :).
Listed below are some basic math and crypto concepts. Academic fellows might want Wiener’s original paper [1].
Continued Fractions
A simple continued fraction is an expression of the following form :
Where s are called quotients.
A continued fraction is abbreviated by its continued fraction expansion:
Rational numbers (Irrational numbers) have finite (infinite) continued fraction expansions.
Simple examples:
The following algorithm calculates the continued fraction expansion of a rational number with nominator and denominator .
# Continued Fraction Expansion of Rationals
def cf_expansion(n, d):
e = []
q = n // d
r = n % d
while r != 0:
n, d = d, r
q = n // d
r = n % d
return e
Rational Approximations
We know that is an irrational number. The cool thing is that we can form succinct rational approximations of using its continued fraction expansion.
These rational numbers () are called the convergents of a continued fraction. As grows approaches (3.141592…).
The following algorithm (taken from [1]) calculates the convergents of a continued fraction expansion :
def convergents(e):
n = [] # Nominators
d = [] # Denominators
for i in range(len(e)):
if i == 0:
ni = e[i]
di = 1
elif i == 1:
ni = e[i]*e[i-1] + 1
di = e[i]
else: # i > 1
ni = e[i]*n[i-1] + n[i-2]
di = e[i]*d[i-1] + d[i-2]
yield (ni, di)
RSA Review
An RSA public key consists of two integers: an exponent and a modulus . is the product of two randomly chosen prime numbers and . The private key, , is the decryption exponent:
Where is Euler’s totient function.
That is, there exists an integer such that , therefore:
Lets assume that the attacker has an educated guess of what and are. Using the formula above he can simply compute , but what can he do with ? and how can he be certain that these are the correct and ?
Factoring N with
Recall that and :
That is, given ( is public knowledge) we can efficiently compute the quadratic roots , and simply check if to ascertain correctness.
Guessing and
Recall that , therefore:
Hence, is a rational approximation of ( is small). Assuming the attacker has , he may find among its convergents. But… the attacker doesn’t have , he only has the and .
Could it be that under certain conditions may be derived from ?
Wiener’s Theorem
Let with . Let . Given with , can be efficiently recovered by searching the right among the convergents of .
Sanity Check
So the whole attack is as follows:
- Generate a vulnerable RSA keypair (one with short private exponent ()).
- Find the convergents of the continued fraction expansion of .
Iterate through the convergents :
- Compute using and .
- Ascertain correctness through factoring with . (Alternatively, we can do [2] instead).
Lets see if it actually works.
Vulnerable Key Generation
We simply adapt the normal RSA key generation to fit the constraints on , and .
# Low Private Exponent Generation
import gmpy2, random
from gmpy2 import isqrt, c_div
# Adapted from Hack.lu 2014 CTF
urandom = random.SystemRandom()
def get_prime(size):
while True:
r = urandom.getrandbits(size)
if gmpy2.is_prime(r): # Miller-rabin
return r
def test_key(N, e, d):
msg = (N - 123) >> 7
c = pow(msg, e, N)
return pow(c, d, N) == msg
def create_keypair(size):
while True:
p = get_prime(size // 2)
q = get_prime(size // 2)
if q < p < 2*q:
N = p * q
phi_N = (p - 1) * (q - 1)
# Recall that: d < (N^(0.25))/3
max_d = c_div(isqrt(isqrt(N)), 3)
max_d_bits = max_d.bit_length() - 1
while True:
d = urandom.getrandbits(max_d_bits)
e = int(gmpy2.invert(d, phi_N))
except ZeroDivisionError:
if (e * d) % phi_N == 1:
assert test_key(N, e, d)
return N, e, d, p, q
The Whole Attack Flow
import cf, sys, hashlib
import vulnerable_key as vk
from sympy import *
def sha1(n):
h = hashlib.sha1()
return h.hexdigest()
if __name__ == '__main__':
N, e, d, p, q = vk.create_keypair(1024)
print('[+] Generated an RSA keypair with a short private exponent.')
print('[+] For brevity, keypair components are crypto. hashed:')
print('[+] ++ SHA1(e): ', sha1(e))
print('[+] -- SHA1(d): ', sha1(d))
print('[+] ++ SHA1(N): ', sha1(N))
print('[+] -- SHA1(p): ', sha1(p))
print('[+] -- SHA1(q): ', sha1(q))
print('[+] -- SHA1(phiN): ', sha1((p - 1)*(q - 1)))
print('[+] ------------------')
cf_expansion = cf.get_cf_expansion(e, N)
convergents = cf.get_convergents(cf_expansion)
print('[+] Found the continued fractions expansion convergents of e/N.')
print('[+] Iterating over convergents; '
'Testing correctness through factorization.')
print('[+] ...')
for pk, pd in convergents: # pk - possible k, pd - possible d
if pk == 0:
possible_phi = (e*pd - 1)//pk
p = Symbol('p', integer=True)
roots = solve(p**2 + (possible_phi - N - 1)*p + N, p)
if len(roots) == 2:
pp, pq = roots # pp - possible p, pq - possible q
if pp*pq == N:
print('[+] Factored N! :) derived keypair components:')
print('[+] ++ SHA1(e): ', sha1(e))
print('[+] ++ SHA1(d): ', sha1(pd))
print('[+] ++ SHA1(N): ', sha1(N))
print('[+] ++ SHA1(p): ', sha1(pp))
print('[+] ++ SHA1(q): ', sha1(pq))
print('[+] ++ SHA1(phiN): ', sha1(possible_phi))
print('[-] Wiener\'s Attack failed; Could not factor N')
Executing it:
$ ./wiener.py
[+] Generated an RSA keypair with a short private exponent.
[+] For brevity, keypair components are crypto. hashed:
[+] ++ SHA1(e): cf50c0f6e658fae6bd416f7cb5b99dd2764b44fa
[+] -- SHA1(d): 1772bee24f59ea13976f03510bbc32852f02c300
[+] ++ SHA1(N): d2d6f603c4adf7cdc0d449ca288dd130a6741c91
[+] -- SHA1(p): d34f85dbc869626f7cab9c367bcbfec8aad8a6d3
[+] -- SHA1(q): 1e93d20bf5a79200b98441ef8b82d9f76a06df8a
[+] -- SHA1(phiN): a5835c28d591a66e57eacdeab88a0d1d0cb3d74a
[+] ------------------
[+] Found the continued fractions expansion convergents of e/N.
[+] Iterating over convergents; Testing correctness through factorization.
[+] ...
[+] Factored N! :) derived keypair components:
[+] ++ SHA1(e): cf50c0f6e658fae6bd416f7cb5b99dd2764b44fa
[+] ++ SHA1(d): 1772bee24f59ea13976f03510bbc32852f02c300
[+] ++ SHA1(N): d2d6f603c4adf7cdc0d449ca288dd130a6741c91
[+] ++ SHA1(p): 1e93d20bf5a79200b98441ef8b82d9f76a06df8a
[+] ++ SHA1(q): d34f85dbc869626f7cab9c367bcbfec8aad8a6d3
[+] ++ SHA1(phiN): a5835c28d591a66e57eacdeab88a0d1d0cb3d74a
All used code snippets are available on github.
That’s it ! :) I hope it brought some value to you.
Comments and thoughts are welcome on this tweet:
New (old-polished) blog post! Crypto-Classics: Wiener's RSA Attack: https://t.co/vjTYygdV2v
— Sagi Kedmi (@SagiKedmi) September 28, 2016
M.Wiener. Cryptanalysis of Short RSA Exponents.
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We could also validate correctness by encrypting using and decrypting using . That is, pick a random message and test if .